Sunday 18 November 2018

BetoBeto San, the Formless Specter- *K's blog contribution*

Hello all!

It's been a while since I've contributed to BlueMoonRizing, so I was very pleased to be asked to write a piece once again!

As you've probably guessed from the title of this post, this is another Japanese Yokai-themed feature. I was inspired to write this after walking home during one of the ever earlier darkening nights as winter closes in. Every little sound you hear is heightened, and usually we see nothing as we quickly hurry home....but what if there was something following us? What if you just couldn't see it?

BetoBeto San

BetoBeto San as imagined by manga artist Mizuki Shigeru

In Japan there is a legend that if you are walking home alone at night or down a lonely mountain road and you suddenly hear footsteps behind you that sound suspiciously like the sound of wooden sandals clacking on the ground, try not to be too alarmed. You've likely attracted the attention of BetoBeto-San, a harmless and slightly disturbing yokai.

The name beto beto (べとべと) can mean a few different things in Japanese, but generally the meaning refers to an onomatopoeia of the sound of footsteps ( beto beto beto...). A loose translation would be something like "Mr. Footsteps", which makes sense given this Yokai's nature.

Legends of this Yokai come mostly from Uda Gun in Nara prefecture, and from Shizuoka, where BetoBeto-San only travels the mountain roads.

BetoBeto-San likes to synchronize its walking with any targeted walker, trying to get closer and closer without being detected. The walker may feel very disconcerted, as they keep turning around only to discover there isn't anything behind them.

However, it is fairly simple to rid yourself of this Yokai once you suspect that you are being followed by one. Step to the side of the road and politely say, "After you BetoBeto-San" (In Nara, it is "Please BetoBeto-San, you go first"). When this formality has been observed, BetoBeto-San will accept your invitation and walk by, with the footsteps carrying on ahead and vanishing out of earshot. This usually means BetoBeto-San has gone on to find another person to follow, although there is one account of the Yokai not accepting the invitation to pass...

So the next time you are walking alone and hear a noise but can't seem to locate it, perhaps try asking BetoBeto-San if he would like to pass on by you into the night. It's worth a shot ;)

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