Saturday 28 October 2017

UFO hunters film orb over Stawamus Chief in Squamish B.C. Canada

 UFO hunters film orb over Stawamus Chief in Squamish, B.C. Canada-

Squamish is about 40 miles or 6o km north of Vancouver B.C., and along the sea to sky highway. 
The Stawamus Chief (the Chief) is a world-renowned rock-climbing destination. Climbers even camp out on the little ledges of the Chief,  nice view, huh? It's even very scary looking from the ground up at you campers on those ledges!
The Chief is often claimed to be the "second largest" granite monolith in the world".
The Squamish, indigenous people from this area, consider the Chief to be a place of spiritual significance. The Squamish language name for the mountain is Siám' Smánit (siám' is usually translated as "chief" though it is really a social ranking), and their traditions say it is a longhouse transformed to stone by Xa'ays, as the Transformer Brothers are known in this language. (That in which all the spirit animals gathered for a feast.) It is seen in the physical realm as a mountain, but in the spirit realm it’s a longhouse, it is a symbol of togetherness. The mythical hero Xwech’taal vanquished a double-headed sea serpent Sinulhkay before uniting the Squamish Nation. "As Sinulhkay fled across the mountain, the creature seared a trail of defeat into the stone, which today is visible as the great cleft in the mountain's cliff-face in Squamish. (legend is this mark of corrosion was left by the skin of Sinulhka, the giant two-headed sea serpent👾👾) 

So this area has a real "vibe" to it, as well as being stunningly beautiful.

Roll on July 2017, and this story from that area: An eerie orb of ‘yellowish white’ was filmed by UFO hunters as it passed through the night sky near the Chief..
Rob Freeman and Marcus McNabb captured a ‘ball of light’ travelling over Stawamus Chief in Squamish, B.C. before it disappeared from sight. "At first we thought it was an aeroplane. There was absolutely no sound… then we absolutely knew it was no aeroplane."-Quote

-Using night vision

The orb was captured through a night vision camera and more than 43,000 people have watched the video since it was posted.‘The trees behind the orb were all lit up. That means it was in front of the trees.’The pair have taken their hunt for UFOs to 11 countries and 30 cities in the last three years. Apparently all around that area of Howe Sound has had sightings of UFO's or orbs. I had no idea about this until just recently, and I'm a native to B.C.😕 I'd love to see one, but when I'm with friends.....Dee-Rubylake Tarot
Here is all their camera gear:

Extra info quoteThe Chief is a sacred mountain,” Freeman said. “Lights are found in ancient spots like Peru or Norway. Whatever it is, in every single country on every single expedition, we’ve got something.” 

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